The Kiss 3 : The Recursive Cinema

A partir de la scène fameuse du baiser dans Vertigo, scène qui incarne la mémoire cinématographique, j’ai injecté le synopsis du film grâce à une AI. Ainsi, une courte scène métabolise le film en entier qui est réinterprété automatiquement à partir d’un espace latent de possibilités.
From the famous kissing scene in Vertigo, a scene that embodies cinematic memory, I injected the synopsis of the film through an AI. Thus, a short scene metabolizes the whole film which is automatically reinterpreted from a latent space of possibilities.
0 : [“John Scottie Ferguson and a fellow officer pursue a runaway criminal across San Francisco rooftops.”],
10 : [“Scottie trips during the pursuit and is hanging off a gutter high up on the building.”],
20 : [“The other officer tries to rescue him but falls to his death.”],
30 : [“Scottie is left hanging, terrified.”],
40 : [“In his friend Midge’s apartment, we learn that Scottie has had to retire from the police force because of his fear of heights, which causes severe vertigo.”],
50 : [“Scottie says that he’s gotten a call from Gavin Elster, someone he knew in college but hasn’t heard from since.”],
60 : [“They wonder what the call could be about.”],
70 : [“Midge says she’s asked her doctor and only another emotional shock will get rid of Scottie’s phobia.”],
80 : [“Half-joking, Scottie says he can get over it himself, but when he tries to get used to small heights by standing on step ladders, things don’t go well.”],
90 : [“He faints when he looks out the window, and falls into Midge’s arms.”],
100 : [“In Gavin Elster’s office, Scottie’s rich former classmate explains his predicament.”],
110 : [“Elster’s wife Madeleine has been acting strange.”],
120 : [“She disappears for afternoons at a time, spaces out regularly, and seems to be possessed by a ghost.”],
130 : [“At first, Gavin had blamed the change on San Francisco—You know what San Francisco does to people who have never seen it before Now he’s not so sure.”],
140 : [“Scottie scoffs at first and suggests that Elster take his wife to a psychiatrist.”],
150 : [“but curiosity gets the better of him and he agrees to look into Madeleine’s strange case.”],
160 : [“Scottie’s first day following Madeleine gets off to a slow start.”],
170 : [“He waits outside her apartment, then follows her to a flower shop.”],
180 : [“Things get weirder when Madeleine takes her flowers to Mission Dolores, heading straight for the graveyard.”],
190 : [“She spends a long time staring at the grave of someone named Carlotta Valdes.”],
200 : [“Scottie’s perplexed and keeps following Madeleine as she drives to her next stop, the Legion of Honor.”],
210 : [“Madeleine sits in the art gallery and stares at an old portrait.”],
220 : [“Scottie finds out the painting is called Portrait of Carlotta.”],
230 : [“Madeleine’s next stop is the strangest yet: an old hotel in downtown San Francisco.”],
240 : [“Scottie watches her enter and open the windows of a room upstairs, but when he asks the innkeeper.”],
250 : [“Se says no one fitting Madeleine’s description is in the hotel.”],
260 : [“The innkeeper says a Miss Carlotta Valdes does visit the hotel regularly, but today she swears she hasn’t been in.”],
270 : [“The innkeeper then goes upstairs to confirm, and lets Scottie see for himself that no one’s there.”],
280 : [“Madeleine has vanished, and her car is gone.”],
290 : [“Back in Midge’s apartment, Scottie asks her whether she knows any local authorities on San Francisco history.”],
300 : [“.He’s especially interested in people who know about unofficial history, urban legends.”],
310 : [“Midge mentions Pop Liebel, and together she and Scottie go to visit Pop’s bookstore downtown.”],
320 : [“Scottie won’t tell Midge what he’s trying to find out, even though she’s dying to know.”],
330 : [“At Pop Liebel’s, Scottie and Midge hear Carlotta’s story: a rich and powerful man loved Carlotta but never married her.”],
340 : [“She bore his child, but he threw her away, which drove her mad and led her to kill herself.”],
350 : [“Scottie still won’t tell Midge what’s up, but she guesses his secret.”],
360 : [“Gavin Elster tells Scottie he’s good at his job. He also confirms that he had suspected something was up with Carlotta Valdes.”],
370 : [“Elster explains that Madeleine is Carlotta’s great-granddaughter.”],
380 : [“Madeleine owns several pieces of Carlotta’s jewelry and has taken to wearing them and staring at her reflection in the mirror.”],
390 : [“Scottie thinks this explains the mystery. Anyone could develop an obsession for the past, with a background like that.”],
400 : [“However, Elster says that Madeleine has never even heard of Carlotta Valdes, so the plot keeps thickening.”],
410 : [“Back at the gallery at the Legion of Honor, a spaced-out Madeleine stares at the same painting she stared at before.”],
420 : [“When she leaves the museum, Scottie follows her again, this time to the Golden Gate Bridge.”],
430 : [“Suddenly, without warning, Madeleine jumps into the Bay.”],
440 : [“Scottie jumps in after her, drags her out of the water, and drives her to his place.”],
450 : [“In Scottie’s apartment, Madeleine’s fast asleep but wakes up startled when Scottie answers the phone.”],
460 : [“Madeleine’s naked underneath Scottie’s covers; her clothes are drying by the fire.”],
470 : [“Scottie tells her that she fell into the Bay, and she believes him.”],
480 : [“She seems to have no memory of what happened.”],
490 : [“As they talk, it’s clear that he’s already got it pretty bad for her.”],
500 : [“Scottie calls Elster and says that Madeleine knows nothing about what happened.”],
510 : [“Elster says that Madeleine is twenty-six, the same age Carlotta Valdes was when she killed herself.”],
520 : [“During the call, Madeleine sneaks out of the apartment.”],
530 : [“Scottie goes after her, but can’t catch up with her, She’s vanished again.”],
540 : [“Midge, waiting outside Scottie’s apartment in her car, sees Madeleine leave and Scottie rush after her.”],
550 : [“Midge assumes something amorous has been going on.”],
560 : [“Scottie follows Madeleine.”],
570 : [“We know, we know again.”],
580 : [“At least this time her destination comes as a surprise, she’s headed for Scottie’s apartment.”],
590 : [“She leaves him a thank-you note.”],
600 : [“Scottie approaches and reads it in Madeleine’s presence, then awkwardly suggests that the two of them spend the day together.”],
610 : [“Madeleine agrees, and we’re glad—we get a free tour of some of northern California’s most beautiful spots.”],
620 : [“They head south for a drive, ending up in Big Basin Redwoods State Park.”],
630 : [“Here Madeleine goes into one of her trances.”],
640 : [“Her voice changes, and she points to a redwood with historical dates on it to show Scottie when she died.”],
650 : [“When Madeleine comes to her senses, Scottie asks her what just happened, who was speaking through her.”],
660 : [“She refuses to answer and makes Scottie promise never to ask again.”],
670 : [“Having left the sequoias, Madeleine and Scottie are now by the ocean, near big, beautiful cliffs, crashing waves, and cypress trees.”],
680 : [“It makes us think of Tiger Woods for some reason.”],
690 : [“Madeleine runs toward the water, but Scottie saves her again.”],
700 : [“Citing a Chinese proverb, he tells Madeleine that he’s responsible for her forever, since he saved her life once.”],
710 : [“That’s deep.”],
720 : [“Madeleine gives a vague description of what happens to her—where she goes—when she spaces out.”],
730 : [“The one specific detail that Madeleine provides comes from one of her dreams.”],
740 : [“She says she sees a bell-tower and a courtyard, what looks like a village in Spain.”],
750 : [“Scottie says he wishes he could find the key that would make all the pieces of her story fit together.”],
760 : [“Madeleine despairs, says she’s mad, and rushes again toward the water.”],
770 : [“Madeleine is a tad melodramatic.”],
780 : [“This time, when Scottie catches up to her, he kisses her passionately, and the music on the soundtrack soars.”],
790 : [“After a cut, we’re in Midge’s apartment, where Midge looks perky, even though she complains that Scottie has been out of touch.”],
800 : [“Midge says that she has gone back to [her] first love … painting and that she’s been working on a canvas that she plans to give to Scottie.”],
810 : [“The painting turns out to be a version of the Portrait of Carlotta that Madeleine stares at so often.”],
820 : [“Instead of Carlotta’s head, though, this one has Midge’s; it’s a comical Portrait of Midge.”],
830 : [“Scottie says the joke isn’t funny and storms out.”],
840 : [“Midge berates herself for the gesture, which was just a clumsy attempt to win Scottie’s affection.”],
850 : [“Midge smudges the painting, then throws her brush at the window, calling herself stupid, stupid, stupid.”],
860 : [“In the middle of the night, Madeleine shows up at Scottie’s apartment unannounced, saying she’s had the dream about the Spanish village again.”],
870 : [“Scottie suddenly recognizes the village from her description.”],
880 : [“It’s not in Spain at all, he says, but just south of San Francisco.”],
890 : [“It’s the old Spanish Mission at San Juan Bautista.”],
900 : [“Scottie says he’ll take Madeleine there, and that this will bring her nightmare, and Carlotta’s control over her life, to an end.”],
910 : [“When you see it, you’ll remember when you saw it before, and that will finish your dream and destroy it.”],
920 : [“I promise You’ll be free.”],
930 : [“When they arrive, Madeleine once again seems to be possessed by the spirit of Carlotta, no matter how hard Scottie tries to bring her back to the present.”],
940 : [“Scottie and Madeleine kiss passionately and declare their love for one another.”],
950 : [“Madeleine starts repeating that it’s too late, and she takes off in the direction of the Mission’s bell-tower.”],
960 : [“Scottie chases her but his fear of heights prevents him from reaching the top of the tower stairs.”],
970 : [“We hear a scream and see Madeleine fall from the top of the tower onto a roof below.”],
980 : [“In shock, Scottie descends the stairs and leaves the scene.”],
990 : [“We’re in a courtroom where a coroner explains to a jury the events that we’ve just witnessed.”],
1000: [“Scottie’s face is blank throughout the official’s speech, which includes multiple jabs at his character and weakness.”],
1010: [“And references to the fact that once before, under similar circumstances, Scottie had allowed a colleague to fall to his death.”],
1020: [“After deliberating very briefly, the jury reaches its verdict.”],
1030: [“Madeleine’s death was a suicide.”],
1040: [“Scottie still looks stunned and doesn’t speak.”],
1050: [“Elster approaches him to say there are no hard feelings, that there was nothing Scottie could have done to prevent Madeleine’s death.”],
1060: [“You and I know who killed Madeleine, Elster says, referring to Carlotta Valdes.”],
1070: [“Scottie still doesn’t answer.”],
1080: [“Back at home, Scottie tosses and turns in bed.”],
1090: [“A dream sequence shows vertigo-inducing spirals and other odd shapes.”],
1100: [“We see Scottie’s head, wearing a stunned expression, floating free of his body, and falling fast.”],
1110: [“He wakes up terrified.”],
1120: [“Next thing we know, Scottie’s in a sanitarium, sitting and staring as blankly as Madeleine stared at Carlotta.”],
1130: [“Midge visits Scottie, bringing him music and trying to charm him with conversation, but Scottie remains oblivious the whole time.”],
1140: [“He looks catatonic.”],
1150: [“Midge visits the doctor in charge of Scottie’s case, who tells her that Scottie’s suffering from acute melancholia, together with a guilt complex.”],
1160: [“Midge offers the additional information that Scottie was—and still is—in love with Madeleine.”],
1170: [“The doctor says that this makes Scottie’s case even more complicated.”],
1180: [“Midge walks back down the hall, and that’s the last we see of her.”],
1190: [“The camera shows Scottie’s empty apartment, then pans to the lovesick Scottie revisiting all of the places he associates with Madeleine.”],
1200: [“He’s obviously still not all there.”],
1210: [“First he goes to Ernie’s restaurant, where he thinks he sees Madeleine.”],
1220: [“However, it turns out to be another woman altogether.”],
1230: [“The same thing happens at Madeleine’s apartment building, where he approaches a blonde woman driving Madeleine’s car.”],
1240: [“The woman explains that she bought it from Elster.”],
1250: [“Then Scottie goes back to the gallery at the Legion of Honor, thinks he sees Madeleine again, and is disappointed to realize that once again he’s been seeing things.”],
1260: [“Outside the flower shop Madeleine used to visit, Scottie spots a brunette who looks strikingly like Madeleine.”],
1270: [“He follows her to her apartment and knocks on her door.”],
1280: [“Totally creepy.”],
1290: [“The woman is startled but reluctantly answers Scottie’s questions.”],
1300: [“She’s not Madeleine, she says; she’s Judy Barton, from Salina, Kansas.”],
1310: [“Scottie doesn’t believe her, but she shows ID to prove it.”],
1320: [“Scottie impulsively invites Judy to dinner. After declining politely, she finally agrees.”],
1330: [“Reluctantly, Scottie agrees to leave and come back, giving her time to get ready.”],
1340: [“When he leaves the apartment, Judy sits down to compose a letter.”],
1350: [“We hear her in voiceover as she writes to Scottie to confess.”],
1360: [“A flashback begins Judy’s voiceover explains Gavin Elster’s plan to murder his wife.”],
1370: [“Scottie, she says, was this plan’s victim, and she was its tool.”],
1380: [“Elster hired Judy to play Madeleine because she looked like her.”],
1390: [“He made Scottie the witness.”],
1400: [“knowing that his fear of heights would prevent him from reaching the top of the bell-tower at the decisive moment when Judy, as Madeleine, would throw herself off the tower.”],
1410: [“It was the real Madeleine’s body that fell.”],
1420: [“Judy says that the only complication in Elster’s plan was that she fell in love with Scottie.”],
1430: [“She still adores him and wishes he could love her as Judy.”],
1440: [“At this point, the flashback ends.”],
1450: [“We see Judy change her mind and tear up the letter.”],
1460: [“She hopes she can get him to love her as the person she really is without revealing the story of Madeleine.”],
1470: [“Spoiler alert: dream on.”],
1480: [“At dinner, the two are quiet, awkward.”],
1490: [“Scottie thinks he sees Madeleine at another table, even though he’s there with Judy.”],
1500: [“For Judy, this confirms both that Scottie still loves Madeleine and that he doesn’t suspect anything.”],
1510: [“Back at Judy’s apartment, Scottie asks to see her again the next morning, and offers to take care of her.”],
1520: [“He tells her she shouldn’t go to work.”],
1530: [“Judy finally consents.”],
1540: [“The next day, Scottie buys Judy the same flowers Madeleine used to buy for herself.”],
1550: [“Then he insists on taking her to get a whole new wardrobe, buying her all the clothes Madeleine used to wear.”],
1560: [“Judy protests, saying she doesn’t want any clothes.”],
1570: [“She’s getting very uncomfortable.”],
1580: [“Scottie’s insistent: He looks at several gray suits until he finds the exact one Madeleine wore.”],
1590: [“He forces Judy to wear it.”],
1600: [“In Scottie’s apartment, Judy sobs, saying Scottie only wants her because she reminds him of the one that’s dead, meaning Madeleine.”],
1610: [“Judy asks why Scottie can’t just love her for who she is.”],
1620: [“Scottie says maybe he can.”],
1630: [“However, in the next scene, the makeover continues.”],
1640: [“Judy’s being transformed into Madeleine—that is, like the Madeleine Judy herself used to impersonate.”],
1650: [“At Scottie’s insistence, she dyes her hair blonde.”],
1660: [“We see Scottie getting more and more deranged by his obsession with a dead woman.”],
1670: [“Scottie waits for Judy at her apartment and is awed when she returns looking almost exactly like Madeleine.”],
1680: [“It’s not quite right, though.”],
1690: [“Judy reluctantly complies with Scottie’s request that she apply the finishing touch by putting her hair up exactly the way Madeleine used to.”],
1700: [“Judy goes into the bathroom to fix her hair, and when she comes out, it’s as if Madeleine has returned.”],
1710: [“Hitchcock bathes her in an eerie green light to make the moment even more surreal.”],
1720: [“Scottie, in a daze, grabs her and kisses her passionately.”],
1730: [“Their kiss transports Scottie back to the stables at San Juan Bautista, where he had kissed Madeleine. The makeover is complete.”],
1740: [“When this scene begins, Scottie and Judy seem content.”],
1750: [“They discuss where to go out for dinner and Judy proposes Ernie’s, the restaurant where Scottie first saw Madeleine and where he took Judy out for the first time.”],
1760: [“Scottie agrees but is startled when he sees Judy, who’s still getting ready, put on a necklace that he faintly recognizes.”],
1770: [“Judy asks him to help her put on the necklace, and when he gets a closer look.”],
1780: [“he realizes that it’s the one Carlotta wore in the portrait of her he’s seen so many times while he was stalking Madeleine.”],
1790: [“He knows How can he confirm his suspicions, though? | unreal engine |. hyperrealistic <split.”],
1800: [“Without revealing his plan at first, he decides to take Judy back to the Mission, the scene of the crime.”],
1810: [“In the car, Judy starts to get nervous and wonders where they’re going.”],
1820: [“Scottie doesn’t say anything until they arrive at the Mission San Juan Bautista.”],
1830: [“Judy starts freaking out and asks where they are and why.”],
1840: [“Over her protests, he gets her out of the car and pushes her into the Mission and up the stairs of the bell tower.”],
1860: [“She’s terrified.”],
1880: [“As he hauls her up the stairs, Scottie forces Judy to confess.”],
1890: [“He now knows what we knew after the flashback: that Judy had played Madeleine all along and faked those beautiful phony trances.”],
1910: [“Elster taught Judy how to act just like Madeleine. The whole thing was a plot to get Scottie to witness Madeleine’s suicide.”],
1930: [“Judy tells him that the real Madeleine was already dead when Elster threw her off the tower; he’d broken her neck.”],
1950: [“Why did they choose Scottie? | unreal engine |. hyperrealistic <split.”],
1970: [“Judy said it was because of his accident. Elster had heard about it and knew his vertigo would keep him from saving Madeleine.”],
2000: [“Judy tells him that Elster escaped to Switzerland after the murder.”],
2030: [“Judy thinks Scottie won’t make it to the top of the bell-tower, but he does.”],
2060: [“He gets a little dizzy on the way but makes it to the top.”],
2090: [“He seems to have finally conquered his fear of heights.”],
2110: [“Judy tells Scottie that she still loves him and begs him to keep her safe.”],
2200: [“Scottie says that it’s too late, because there’s no bringing Madeleine back.”],
2250: [“They kiss passionately for the last time.”],
2300: [“A nun, having heard the voices from the tower, comes up the stairs.”],
2350: [“Judy lets out a scream and falls to her death.”],
2400: [“Just like Madeleine, Scottie’s in shock.”],
2410: [“In the film’s final image, we see him staring down at Judy, totally helpless and stunned.”],