
En ces temps d’introspection et d’expériences intérieures, j’ai la chance d’assurer le commissariat d’une nouvelle exposition Spaced in Lost, intitulée sobrement LONELY en invitant Ivàn Argote, Grégory Chatonsky, Salomé Chatriot , Jean Chauvin, Julien Discrit, Antoine Donzeaud, Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié, Justine Emard, Samuel Fasse, Charles Hascoët, Elizabeth Lennard, Pierre Pauze, Jonathan Pêpe, Nelson Pernisco, Filip Andreas Skrapic et Jeanne Vicerial
Ce voyage nous invite à explorer certaines dimensions de la solitude. Quels projets, quelles oeuvres, voire même quels amis, imagine-t-on entre quatre murs? Comment les artistes peuvent-ils nous aider à vivre et à comprendre ce nouveau quotidien? Quels en sont les nouveaux codes?
Cette exposition entièrement modélisée en 3D, vous pourrez l’arpenter depuis chez vous dès demain Jeudi (02.04.2020 – 6pm gmt+2). Il s’agit d’un espace spécialement dessiné pour l’occasion, peuplé d’oeuvres que les artistes ont conçues et adaptées à distance dans un délai extrêmement court.
Afin de rendre ces espaces digitaux, souvent trop arides, un peu plus humains, les artistes ont enregistré quelques messages que vous pourrez découvrir dans l’exposition.
En espérant vous retrouver nombreux ce soir sur spacedinlost.com. Un lien vers une talkroom vous permettra d’échanger avec les différents artistes et acteurs de l’exposition arpès le vernissage.
n these times of introspection and inner experiences, I am fortunate to curate a new Spaced in Lost exhibition, soberly entitled LONELY and to invite Ivàn Argote, Gregory Chatonsky, Salomé Chatriot , Jean Chauvin, Julien Discrit, Antoine Donzeaud, Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié, Justine Emard, Samuel Fasse, Charles Hascoët, Elizabeth Lennard, Pierre Pauze, Jonathan Pêpe, Nelson Pernisco, Filip Andreas Skrapic and Jeanne Vicerial
This journey invites us to explore certain dimensions of loneliness. What projects, what works, even what friends do we imagine confined within four walls? How can artists help us to live and understand this new daily life?
This exhibition, entirely modelled in 3D, can be visited from your home tomorrow, Thursday (02.04.2020 – 6pm gmt+2). It is a space specially designed for the occasion, filled with works that artists have designed and adapted in an extremely short period of time.
In order to make these digital spaces, often too arid, a little more humane, the artists have recorded a few messages that you will be able to listen in the exhibition.
Hoping to see many of you tomorrow Thursday, from 6pm on spacedinlost.com, a link to a talkroom will allow us to exchange after your visit of the exhibition.
SPACED IN LOST was founded in 2018 by artist Filip-Andreas Skrapic with the intention of creating a multidisciplinary border-crossing art platform with the potential of establishing a creative dialogue between a variety of international art & creative scenes. The same year SPACED IN LOST was launched with a group show at Gallery Charraudeau in Paris.
In 2019 there was a significant turning point when curator Yvannoé Kruger joined the project.
Since then, two more shows in Paris have been part of the growing success of SPACED IN LOST in the Parisian art scene. In order to gradually open up to the international scene, SPACED IN LOST recently exposed in the artist-run project DETOUR during Frieze L.A. in February this year.
This virtual exhibition experience exists solely thanks to our partners SOCLE COLLECTIONS.
We are very grateful to all participating entities and especially to the artists.